Fundamentals: Layup Footwork (no basketball)

Learn the proper fundamental footwork and mechanics for shooting a layup.

Goal: Master the fundamental footwork and mechanics for properly shooting a layup.

What You Do:

  1. Start in the ‘ready’ (triple-threat) position with no basketball.
  2. Right-hand layup: On coach’s signal, take a step with the right foot, then step with the left foot
  3. Drive your right knee up and jump off the left foot, making a shooting motion with your right hand
  4. Repeat until half court, then turn around and come back doing left-hand layup footwork
  5. Left-hand layup: On the coach’s signal, take a step with the left foot, then step with the right foot.
  6. Drive your left knee up and jump off the right foot, making shooting motions with your left hand.
  7. Repeat until baseline
Left hand and right-hand layup footwork.

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